About Us
Hebrew Roots Melbourne (HRM) was founded in 2013.
Starting as a home based Bible study group, HRM has since expanded to be a hub for people returning to the Hebrew roots of the Bible.
We meet every fortnight on the Sabbath to study the Bible and worship. We also keep (as best we can!) the Biblical festivals.
Since coronavirus, we have reverted to home meetings. Please contact us for exact details.
There's also frequent social events for regular members. If you want to attend Biblical festivals, please don't be offended, but we are a small group and need to know you prior to you attending.
Our two main pillars of belief are the love of Messiah and the observance of His commandments.
Our community is vibrant with various shades of belief.
You're most welcome to join and connect with us.
Hebrew Roots Melbourne studies the whole word of God.
We use the annual Torah cycle, which is a yearly study program of the five books of Moses, as our foundation to study the whole Bible.
Every fortnight members of the congregation present their thoughts on the week's Torah Portion and discussion is encouraged.
What to expect
למה לצפות
We are a small group of people from all over Melbourne that gather to study God's word and worship Him. We are a home fellowship so our meeting locations change but we're generally in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Before we study the Torah Portion we perform 'kiddush'. Kiddush is a Hebrew word meaning 'sanctification'. It's generally completed on Friday night and is a wonderful way to set apart the Sabbath day. Kiddush comprises of select prayers and blessings, including the blessings over the bread and wine. Far from meaningless words, Kiddush is a wonderful process for entering the Sabbath.
Following this we read and study the Bible. Typically, Jason or Stephen HRM present a study on the Torah Portion prior to discussion.
We do study the Bible in context so many of the lessons and discussions had are about the 1st century and how the apostles lived and walked after Jesus. We often study Hebrew concepts which can seem weird, but these were once familiar to believers and were common place in the time of the Bible.
Below, you'll see some sample prayers and blessings from our Kiddush service. We hope you like them!